Here’s the latest…
Adapting to Adoptive Parenting
The moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived, and your adopted child is home! After all the references you provided, social workers in your home, fingerprinting for police checks, babyproofing, hours of paperwork, and parenting classes, you finally have a child who is yours, forever! It is joyous, but you may also feel a nagging sense that something isn’t quite as amazing as you expected.
Parenting Children with Exceptions: A Survival Guide
Parenting a child with exceptions is tremendously challenging. Only those who have experienced it, fully understand the unique struggles and small victories.
Anxiety and Exposure Therapy
Anxiety is a normal emotional response to a threat. In the ancient past, our ancestors likely escaped being a wild animal’s lunch through the use of this emotion!
Silent Mental Health Epidemic Among Asian Canadian Women?
Is there a silent mental health epidemic among Asian Canadian women? If so, why and what can be doneabout it?
Types of Trauma
There are different types of trauma such as acute, chronic, complex, and vicarious trauma.