Depression Therapy

Do You Feel Miserable, Sad, or Empty?

Client and therapist sitting across from eachother in depression therapy session

Depression is characterized by extreme sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of motivation lasting longer than two weeks. While everyone feels blue from time to time, depression is a serious medical condition that can erode a person’s quality of life.

The term “depression” is often used as an umbrella term for subtype mood disorders. Some of these include major, persistent, clinical, perinatal, prenatal, and postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD), and bipolar disorder.

What is Depression?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You feel lonely, even when you are with others

  • You feel tearful, empty, and low energy all the time

  • You have unexplained physical pain

  • You feel like you lack motivation to do anything

  • You’re experiencing increased aggression, agitation, or restlessness

  • You feel like you are wandering through life, feeling like something is missing or your balance is "off"

  • You lost the joyful feelings that you used to have in life

  • You know that sadness isn't helpful but getting out of it alone isn't possible

Individuals can struggle with depression at any age, and most people will experience at least one episode in their lifetime. For others, bouts of depression will be more frequent, enduring, and severe.

Two women laughing who have been relieved from depression

How does it work?

Depression Therapy helps you rise above your challenges and start moving toward your ideal life with less sadness and more joy. You will get the practical tools you need to move through difficult life experiences and see patterns that you couldn't on your own. Even if you are not usually comfortable opening up to people, Depression Therapy may be able to help. With new motivation, comes new energy to be engaged in your life!

Sufferers often delay getting help by thinking they’ll just “snap out” of their depression on their own. Even though the most severe cases of depression can be managed, the sooner an individual starts therapy, the better the prognosis.

If there aren’t noticeable improvements, antidepressant medications can be introduced. It’s not uncommon for depression sufferers to try multiple pharmacological solutions before finding relief. In rare treatment-resistant cases, an individual can try brain stimulation therapy.

Some patients start to feel better within a few weeks. Do you know or suspect that you might suffer from depression?

It’s possible to feel better - Imagine a life where you could…

  • Be high-energy, motivated, and ambitious.

  • Have improved attitude, mood, and productivity.

  • Create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire.

  • Get to the root problems and solve those instead of using band-aids. Introduce your brand

Meet our compassionate depression therapy specialists:

Revolutionize your Therapy Experience

Here's why our matching program is the perfect choice for you:

Personalized Matching: We use a comprehensive survey to pair you with a therapist who best fits your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a more effective and tailored therapeutic experience.

Enhanced Therapeutic Alliance: By connecting you with the right therapist, our program fosters a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship, which is essential for positive treatment outcomes.

Reduced Stigma and Isolation: Our matching program helps reduce feelings of isolation and stigma by providing a supportive and tailored therapeutic relationship, promoting a more positive therapeutic experience.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: A well-matched therapy relationship can lead to improved treatment outcomes.

Our matching program is the key to unlocking a more effective and personalized therapy journey. Let us help you find the perfect therapist for your needs.

Let's Get Started

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel life is being wasted on being unhappy, Depression Therapy could help.

To get started, schedule an initial phone consultation in our online scheduler.

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