The Anxiety of Aging

woman meditating on a bed, good vibes only neon sign on the wall behind

I hit a milestone birthday two years ago and turned fifty. It often feels hard to believe, how did it happen so fast? It seemed to sneak up on me and there are days when I look in the mirror and wonder how it can be. It was just yesterday that I was graduating from high school, wasn’t it? It only feels like it has been few years since I moved provinces, travelled to Australia, started a new job, or went back to school. Now, I am receiving invitations for my 35th high school reunion. There are moments when I stop and pause and consider what the rest of life has in store for me. While it is easy to lament the aging process, there is a freedom to getting older, for me anyway. The weight of other peoples’ judgements seems less, I have a confidence that I lacked in my 20s and 30s, I find a beauty to my aging face that reminds me of all of my accomplishments and life’s adventures. While I try to make the best of the inevitable, there are also challenges that have come with the aging process.

As woman, we face numerous physical, emotional, and social changes. I have noticed these changes in myself and often have conversations with friends on their circumstances too. While we may laugh and share our stories, not all of it is joyous. While not everyone’s experiences will be the same, there are some common factors that women over fifty should be mindful of.

  • Physical changes – Menopause is a significant concern around this age, we may begin to experience changes with our hormones, and experience symptoms such as hot flashes, poor sleep hygiene, and mood fluctuations. These changes are often misunderstood and may lead to anxiety or depression. It is important to seek the support of your medical doctor and advocate for proper treatment.

  • Health concerns – our bodies are going through significant changes. As we age, we may find that our eating habits have changed, our physical activity levels have decreased, and our energy levels are not what they used to be. Again, seeking the support of your medical doctor is imperative to your physical well-being. Engaging in physical activity, walking, weight training are important for your health and well-being.

  • Mental health – there are new stressors as we age. One being in a position of taking care of our aging parents, spouses or even caring for grandchildren. These changes in life circumstances can cause additional anxiety and prove challenging to accepting the changes and added responsibilities.

  • Life Transitions – this may be a time in your life that significant changes take place. There is a shift in perspective as you age, it becomes a now or never type of perspective, when decisions on how to spend the rest of our lives become a formidable thought. We may consider a new career, a move to a new city, or even thoughts of retirement and travel. These transitions, while exciting, may feel overwhelming at times.

  • Social pressures – we are inundated with expectations in relation to aging. Anti-aging products, anti-wrinkle products are constantly promoted. While it is important to take care of our health, including our skin, be gentle with yourself when it comes to those fine lines and wrinkles that we are made to feel bad about. You are beautiful.

  • Financial concerns – as those life transitions begin, we are often faced with preparing for a change in financial circumstances. When we retire, we may be living off a different level of income, have additional healthcare costs or may have costs associated with caregiving responsibilities.

    All of these circumstances may lead to challenges resulting in increased mental health issues. It is important to start planning earlier that you might expect for this chapter of your life. There are many options out there for developing a solid long-term plan which will leave you feeling in stable financially. There are many ways to manage anxiety during this stage of your life and requires a holistic approach.

  • Physical Well-being: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can contribute to overall well-being.

  • Mental Health: Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals can be beneficial. Counseling or therapy can help individuals navigate life changes and address anxiety.

  • Self-Care: Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can be important for mental and emotional well-being.

  • Education: Understanding the aging process and the changes it brings can help individuals better cope with and adapt to these changes.

    It is essential to recognize that experiencing anxiety as you age is not uncommon, and seeking support and resources can be crucial in navigating this stage of life to reduce psychological distress. If anxiety becomes overwhelming or persistent, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable and treating symptoms of anxiety may improve the quality of life (Ribeiro et al. 2020)

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