Discover Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): A Path to Inner Peace

In a world where stress and anxiety seem to be an emotional baseline, finding methods that can mitigate these difficult emotions is crucial to achieving emotional balance and well-being. One such method that has recently gained popularity is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT is a unique method that uses a flow of “tapping” meridian points as a form of psychological acupressure combining ancient Chinese medicine with modern psychology. Some refer to EFT as “emotional acupuncture” allowing the client to unlock and release difficult and deeply rooted emotional pain.

What is EFT

EFT is considered a holistic healing practice where a client is guided through tapping exercises designed to alleviate emotional distress, reduce physical pain, and promote overall well-being. EFT was developed in the 1990s by Dr. Gary Craig and involves tapping specific points primarily on the face and hands while targeting a particular issue or emotion. These points correspond to the body's meridians, the energy pathways used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Meridian Pathways

Simply put, meridians are a network of energy pathways that run throughout the human body, delivering essential energy, or chi, to our organs. These pathways support all major organ systems, including the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, immune, skeletal, muscular, and digestive systems. Sometimes, small blockages or imbalances in this energy flow can occur. If left untreated, these blockages can cause various unpleasant symptoms, depending on where the blockage is located.

How EFT Works on Meridian Pathways

EFT operates on the premise that negative emotions and physical discomfort are linked to disruptions in the body's energy system. By tapping on specific meridian points while voicing the issue at hand, EFT aims to restore balance and clear these disruptions. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the typical EFT process:

Identify the Issue: Start by identifying the emotional or physical issue you would like to address (i.e. anxiety, stress, chronic pain, limiting beliefs, etc.).

Establish a Baseline: Give the issue a rating on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense. This helps track progress throughout the session.

Set Up Statement: Establish a set-up statement to acknowledge the issue and affirm self-acceptance. For example, “Even though I feel anxious about this presentation, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself”.

Tapping Sequence: Using your fingertips, gently tap on the designated meridian points while repeating a reminder phrase related to the issue (e.g. “this anxiety”). Common tapping points include:

 Top of the head

 Eyebrow

 Side of the eye

 Under the eye

 Under the nose

 Chin

 Collarbone

 Under the arm

Evaluate the Intensity: After the tapping is complete, check in to reassess the intensity of the issue on the 0 – 10 scale. If the intensity remains high (closer to 10), repeat the tapping sequence until the intensity is closer to 0.

Benefits of Using EFT

EFT is growing in acceptance as a viable treatment modality for a wide range of psychological conditions. Some of the key benefits reported by practitioners and users included a reduction in stress and anxiety, decreased pain and increased ability to manage pain, emotional healing, improved mental clarity, and enhanced performance for those suffering from performance-related stress and anxiety. While EFT may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, its simplicity and lack of side effects make it a low-risk option worth exploring.

Emotional Freedom Techniques offer a promising pathway to emotional and physical well-being. By addressing the underlying energy disruptions that contribute to negative emotions and physical discomfort, EFT empowers individuals to take control of their health and happiness. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, pain, or emotional challenges, EFT's gentle and holistic approach may be the key to unlocking a more balanced and fulfilling life. Give tapping a try and discover the potential for transformation within yourself. If you're interested in EFT, contact Jen Deprez to schedule a consultation and find out if EFT is the right treatment for you

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