How to Find the Perfect Therapist

In the era of the internet, a wealth of knowledge and resources are at our fingertips more than ever. We can ask Alexa, Google, Bixby, or any other virtual assistant the most obscure questions or simply “What’s the weather like today?” at any time. But why is it so hard to find the right therapist? You have realized you could benefit from therapy and made the decision that now is the time… but there are too many options. Do you go with the therapist that pops up first when you search online “therapist near me”? Do you call the number your mom or coworker gave you and recommended you call a few months ago? Perhaps you've exhausted those options, and neither was a good fit.

Here is a breakdown of factors to consider and ways to find a therapist that fits best with your needs in the hopes of helping you take that next step. This can often feel like the hardest part: finding the perfect therapist for you. When seeking a therapist, the amount of options at one clinic alone can feel overwhelming, not to mention all the options posted online. Here are some factors to keep in mind while looking for a therapist:

What age and gender is your ideal therapist? This is completely personal and may not even be something you are concerned about. Do you prefer a therapist who is a similar age to you, who you find more relatable? Maybe they also have young children or can relate to the social pressures placed on those in your generation. Perhaps you want an older therapist who you could imagine passing down their wisdom and hard-earned life lessons to you. On the other side of things, you may be seeking out a therapist who is fresh out of school with unmatched eagerness and an up-to-date education. Additionally, some people prefer to have a therapist of the same or different gender as them. This can vary depending on one’s past experiences, or simply because you connect better with one or the other. Having a therapist who has experienced the world in a similar way to you can come with certain benefits like shared lived experience and a sense of understanding. Whatever it may be, there are plenty of options. The importance of these factors is completely unique to you.

Are you seeking out a therapist with a similar identities or cultural background to their own? Navigating therapy can be difficult at first, and having to explain certain things that are hard to put into words, or are generally sensitive topics, can be even harder to discuss. Many people seek out a therapist who has similarities in their identity or lived experince, in hopes of feeling heard, seen, understood and safe in therapy. Although you may not want your therapist to be your doppelganger, considering choosing a therapist that shares integral parts of your identity or shows a significant understanding of your community, can be a wonderful foundation for good therapy. Some factors to consider are the therapists who have knowledge and commitment to relevant marginalized communities or personal lived experience in relation to BIPOC folks, immigrants, refugees, specific cultural backgrounds, 2SLGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, those who have experienced homelessness or poverty, children or youth in care, and people living in institutions. Maybe you’d like to work with someone who implements spirituality or religion in their practice. This list is non exhaustive and gives a general idea of what may be an important factor for you.

What is the therapist's specialty? Similarly to their knowledge, experience and understanding of different identities and cultural backgrounds, something to consider is the therapist’s specialty. Going to a therapist that has knowledge and understanding of what you are coming to therapy for can make a huge difference. Although therapists can help support their clients with a broad range of topics, it may be best to seek out a therapist that specializes in your concerns. For instance, the right therapist for someone else may specialize in relationship issues. If you are coming in for something like anxiety or depression, it may be helpful to seek a therapist who advertises that as something they offer.

Do you prefer getting to the root of the problem and fixing it right away, or would you like a longer-term therapist, who can be there for you to listen and take things at a slower pace? Finding the perfect therapist can be a daunting task, but it's essential to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to mental health care. Whether you are searching online, in your neighbourhood or by work-of-mouth, each individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. That's why it's perfectly okay to explore different therapists after a few initial sessions. Many therapists offer free consultations, allowing you to get a feel for their approach and personality.

Ultimately, the right therapist for you should create a comfortable and supportive space where you feel at ease to open up. Trust your intuition; if it feels right, then you've probably found a good fit. Remember, the bottom line is that the perfect therapist is the one who aligns with your individual needs and makes you feel heard and understood.

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