Couples Therapy

Do You Feel Insecure, Lonely, or Overwhelmed?

Relationships are never easy. However, it’s the added demands of modern life that can make a union more brittle and susceptible to fracture.

Constant bickering from feelings of pressure and blame causes couples to go from partners—working together for a common goal—to adversaries. Unhealthy patterns take root, breeding a sense of hopelessness, and the relationship gets stuck in a rut.

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You fight all with your partner all the time

  • You avoid interacting with each other

  • Feel lonely even when you’re together

  • You have experienced a decline in intimacy

  • You are hopeless about the future

  • You've noticed that the spark in your relationship is gone

  • You feel fear-stricken, even in the "comfort" of your own home

Many couples choose to ignore the elephant in the room—partly out of shame and perhaps in hopes that the situation will improve on its own. Unfortunately, untreated relationship problems usually get worse and multiply the longer they’re left to fester. Making your relationship a priority is making your happiness a priority. You both deserve to be happy.

How Does it Work?

Couples & Premarital Therapy consists of 50 or 80-minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns.  In addition to listening, your therapist will share thoughts when it's helpful and share what the science tells us about what's going on for you, they play an active role. Here’s how it will work step-by-step:

  • First, your therapist will provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with them.

  • Through hearing your story, your therapist will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.

  • Next your therapist will start by helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions and challenging life situations.

  • You will also work together to discover what your goals are individually and as a couple

  • Keeping your unique goals in mind, you’ll figure out what’s needed to help you reach them.

  • Over the course of your sessions, you will start making progress toward the life you desire.

Research shows that bringing in a neutral conflict resolution expert can help a couple tackle issues with fresh solutions and prevent a relationship from further deterioration. Therapists create a safe space where both parties can share fearlessly, which can strengthen their bond and recreate that sense of teamwork and intimacy.

Imagine a life where you could...

  • Feel more free and safe in your marriage

  • Have the intimacy you want with your partner

  • Improve your relationship with yourself and those you choose to share yourself with

  • Get to the root problems and solve those instead of using band-aids

  • Have the loving relationships you've always wanted

While some regard couples therapy as a sign of weakness, the number one regret of many partners who’ve sought therapy is that they didn’t do it sooner.

Couples typically start to feel better about their partnership within a few weeks. Do you know or suspect that your relationship might be in trouble?

Meet our compassionate couples therapy specialists:

Revolutionize your Therapy Experience

Here's why our matching program is the perfect choice for you:

Personalized Matching: We use a comprehensive survey to pair you with a therapist who best fits your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a more effective and tailored therapeutic experience.

Enhanced Therapeutic Alliance: By connecting you with the right therapist, our program fosters a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship, which is essential for positive treatment outcomes.

Reduced Stigma and Isolation: Our matching program helps reduce feelings of isolation and stigma by providing a supportive and tailored therapeutic relationship, promoting a more positive therapeutic experience.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: A well-matched therapy relationship can lead to improved treatment outcomes.

Our matching program is the key to unlocking a more effective and personalized therapy journey. Let us help you find the perfect therapist for your needs.

Let's Get Started

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel life is is being wasted on being unhappy, Couples & Premarital Therapy could help. To get started, schedule an initial phone consultation in our online scheduler.

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