Grief Therapy

Do You Feel Scared, Sad, or Empty?

Grief is a natural reaction to a loss. It’s most often attributed to the death of a loved one. However, grief can be a response to a divorce, the dissolution of a friendship, losing a home, job, business, or being diagnosed with an illness.

Sometimes, grief is layered with other mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

Close up of two hands holding for support

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • Your energy levels are at an all-time low

  • You feel unshakably sad

  • You feel like you lack motivation to do anything

  • You feel lonely, even when you are with others

  • You feel unable to do your day-to-day responsibilities

  • You feel hopeless about the future

  • You know that sadness isn't helpful but getting out of it alone isn't possible

When a brain is coping with grief, it typically (but not always) goes through seven stages: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, and acceptance. It’s common for an individual to get “stuck” in one of these phases and feel overcome by misery and unable to see a way forward.

How Does it Work?

Alongside the natural healing process that comes with the passage of time, grief sufferers often find tremendous relief from therapy. Short-term pharmacological treatments, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and sleep medications can be useful for taking the edge off the early stages.

If there aren’t noticeable improvements or for more specialized or complex grief, therapists can turn to various approaches. These include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance therapy, commitment therapy (ACT), traumatic therapy, complicated therapy, and interpersonal therapy.

Some patients may even start to feel better after their first few sessions. Do you know or suspect that you might need help working through your grief?

It’s possible to feel better - Imagine a life where you could…

  • Really feel joy

  • Have improved attitude, mood, and productivity

  • Create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire

  • Change your life for the better

Step Back And Focus On Healing

Grief Therapy helps you rise above your challenges and start moving toward your ideal life with less sadness and more joy. You will get the effective skills you need to prioritize yourself so you can take care of yourself and discover ways to cope with difficult life stuff. Even if you are nervous about starting therapy, Grief Therapy may be able to help. We've helped people work through their grief. Grief can be any kind of loss and we understand on a human level the pain that loss can cause. There can be joy in life after a loss. We are Fancy Therapy Services and we are counsellors and humans who are here to help.

Meet our compassionate grief therapy specialists:

Revolutionize your Therapy Experience

Here's why our matching program is the perfect choice for you:

Personalized Matching: We use a comprehensive survey to pair you with a therapist who best fits your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a more effective and tailored therapeutic experience.

Enhanced Therapeutic Alliance: By connecting you with the right therapist, our program fosters a strong and trusting therapeutic relationship, which is essential for positive treatment outcomes.

Reduced Stigma and Isolation: Our matching program helps reduce feelings of isolation and stigma by providing a supportive and tailored therapeutic relationship, promoting a more positive therapeutic experience.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: A well-matched therapy relationship can lead to improved treatment outcomes.

Our matching program is the key to unlocking a more effective and personalized therapy journey. Let us help you find the perfect therapist for your needs.

Let's Get Started

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel life is simply too hard, Grief Therapy could help.

To get started, schedule an initial phone consultation in our online scheduler.

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