How to Strengthen Resilience
Resilience is one of the most powerful traits we can possess. It lets us push through challenges in order to achieve our goals. This article will show you how to build your resilience skills.
What is resilience?
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from stress, trauma, and other negative experiences. It’s important to have resilience because it helps you keep going even when you’re down. Resilience is your ability to recover quickly from setbacks and stay positive.
10 Ways to improve resilience :
Create a healthy lifestyle, this means tending to your own needs by eating healthy, excersizing and getting adequate sleep
Stay or get connected, Building strong, positive relationships with loved ones and friends can provide you with needed support , guidance and different presepctives.
Reframe the way you think. When you are in a tough situation or notice a change in mood, evaluate the situation Ask yourself ,“What are the benefits of this situation?” and “What might my interpretation of the situation be missing?”.
Practice positive thinking and visualization by imagining yourself having control over situations that are difficult.
Reconglnize and accept that When you're feeling down
Learn how to relax and stay calm , there are breathing exercises that cna help
Learn positive self talk
Practice gratitude
Learn from experience. Think of how you've coped with hardships in the past. This will help boost your confidence and reinforce learning
Make every day meaningful. Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose every day