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Setting Minimum Expectations When Dating: A Pathway to Healthy Relationships

Because of the current dating apps and social dynamics, navigating the dating world can be exciting and very intimidating at the same time. One of the keys to attaining healthy and fulfilled relationships is setting minimum expectations right from the beginning. It secures not just your emotional wellness but it is also important for mutual respect and understanding. In this blog we will discuss some pointers to set minimum expectations for dating and how to assert them.

Respectful Communication

First, there has to be respect and regard, such as respect for each other's feelings, limits, and opinions. No one in either case should bear disrespect or any form of abuse. To have a relationship where both are valued and appreciated there is a need of communication with respect. This is one of the many expectations within every successful relationship. It's a mutual agreement about speaking forthrightly, candidly, and not hiding details. Confusion will be reduced as all parties are heard and appreciated. Clear and respectful communication breeds trust and respect on even difficult and sensitive topics.

Shared Values and Goals

Something else that is important for a relationship’s durability are both partner’s values and goals. While there is no need to agree on every single detail, mutual understanding and setting of the same core values and life goals can be very supportive in the success of the relationship. These commonly shared values and goals can be added to many things that include ideas on family, career objectives, and lifestyle. For instance, they may share similar perspectives on family life or even their vision of what an ideal family is. This includes whether to marry and have children or not, how to bring them up, or how to foster good relations with one's extended family members. Career goals are also a must. This is very helpful if both are aware of and support each other's work goals, whether this is seeking advancement in a current career, making a career change, or balancing work and personal life in a manner that is fulfilling to both partners.

Consistency and Reliability

Finally, trust is a function of consistency and reliability. Expectations important for each partner are to keep promises, show up when promised, and be dependable. Disappointments translate into confusion over time and engender mistrust. This corrodes the very relationship that was built with such a great deal of hard work. Consistency in what we do and what we say will create an environment of predictability and support in which both parties are protected and valued. It also means being there for your partner emotionally and giving them support, not just being physically available. Or, in other words, being in a position to count on each other reliably will guarantee the solidity of the foundation laid by both partners and further enhance deeper trust and commitment. Wanting a minimum in dating is not a way of making demands; rather, these are standards. Knowing your worth and what you deserve are big keys to respectful, nurturing, and satisfying relationships. Keep in mind that it is quite okay to step away from someone who does not meet those very basic expectations. The wait might be worth it in the long term, as sooner or later, someone who respects and values you will make settling for less than what you really deserve worth your while. Happy dating!

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