How to Disarm Anger

Anger can be an overpowering emotion that can be elicited by many different sources such as fear, hurt, disappointment… sometimes even love or compassion! But how do we allay that anger in a way that feels good to ourselves and others?

Disarming anger is a process that involves identifying and understanding the emotions and thoughts behind your anger, and then changing them. 

It's important to remember that anger is never something you should be embarrassed or ashamed of. Anger is a valid, normal and healthy response to the situation you’re experiencing.

You are allowed to feel anger, and you are allowed to express it. Anger isn't a bad thing—it's just a way for your body to tell you that something needs to change, and it's not going away until it does.

Disarming anger is a great way to help you feel more in control of your emotions.

Here are some steps you can take to help you disarm anger:

1.  Breathe in deep through your nose and out slowly through your mouth. This will help relax you and get rid of some excess tension in your body.

2. Identify what you're feeling, and name it out loud. Try to stay calm.

3. Be aware of your body language—are you tensed up? Are you shaking? Are you clenching your jaw? Do any of these things make your anger worse? If so, try to release them.

4. Find a safe place to express your emotions

5.  Find something that makes you laugh or smile—a song on the radio or a funny video on YouTube—and watch it while walking around town or doing chores around the house. This will help reduce stress levels so that you can think clearly about how best to deal with any anger left over from the incident at hand.


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