Here’s the latest…
Caught in the Middle: The Dual Role of the Sandwich Generation
Picture this: You're navigating a busy life with a career, children, and a household when another responsibility calls, one you embrace with love and respect: caring for an aging parent.
The Perils of Perfect Parenting: Why 'Good Enough' Really Is Good Enough
As a therapist who works with moms, and as a mom myself, I’m all too familiar with the messages our culture sends to mothers.
Mothering with Kindness: How Self-Compassion Can Transform Your Journey
The expectations placed on moms today can feel overwhelming.
Parenting with Presence: The Power of Mindfulness in Raising Children
While integrating mindfulness into your life won’t take care tasks off your plate, it can help you reduce stress, enabling you to parent more intentionally.
The Other Side of Loss: Understanding Fathers' Grief in Pregnancy Loss
When we hear of pregnancy loss, typically, our thoughts go to the mother or pregnant person and their experience. However, in many cases, there is more than the mother who is grieving; there is often a partner who is also experiencing the loss of a child, yet their experience is not one we tend to focus on
From Pregnancy to Parenthood: The Truth About PMADs
The journey from pregnancy to parenthood is a transformative experience with many emotions. For some, this experience can be filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy, but for others, it may also be filled with anxiety and overwhelm.
Adapting to Adoptive Parenting
The moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived, and your adopted child is home! After all the references you provided, social workers in your home, fingerprinting for police checks, babyproofing, hours of paperwork, and parenting classes, you finally have a child who is yours, forever! It is joyous, but you may also feel a nagging sense that something isn’t quite as amazing as you expected.
Entering Motherhood with Childhood Trauma
Wounds. What happens to wounds when we don’t treat them? They become more irritated. It might leave a scar, but the way in which we treat that wound during the time we notice it will play a key role in the way we remember that scar every time we look at.
Mom Guilt and Self-Care
Entering the journey to motherhood comes with many different emotions. Some emotions that may have been present before motherhood now more intensified
Parenting Children with Exceptions: A Survival Guide
Parenting a child with exceptions is tremendously challenging. Only those who have experienced it, fully understand the unique struggles and small victories.
Navigating the Journey of Pregnancy Loss
Experiencing a pregnancy loss can be an incredibly isolating journey, often navigated in silence. Whether it's you or someone close to you, the emotional journey following such a loss is complex and deeply personal.
Why is it Difficult to Leave an Abusive Relationship?
If you think about domestic abuse in a home, you may find yourself asking, "Why don't they just leave..." However, it is never that simple.
Navigating Motherhood
Motherhood is hard. Not to mention the negative stigma put on mental health experiences that date back generations and generations.